Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Greatest Scientific Theories

Cox: The Geatest Scientific Theories 
  1. EINSTEIN S THEORY OF GENERAL RELATIVITY - 'The theory defines gravity as a property directly related to space and time. This is our best theory for why gravity exists, and it's the best theory to explain the origins of the universe - it suggests the existence of the Big Bang.'
  2. THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS - 'This states that over time differences in temperature, pressure or chemical potential in a physical system will reach equilibrium, ie, if you have heat and cold in the same environment, both will eventually move towards the same temperature.'
  3. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 'This is the "law of everything else". It underpins particle physics, and describes the theory that all forces between particles are carried out by other particles - that all forces basically are particles. It governs the way all matter interacts - from light entering your eye and electrons orbiting an atom, to the structure of DNA.'
  4. THE LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY - 'Also known as the first law of thermodynamics, this states that energy can never be destroyed or created. I like to think of it as the reason why ghosts don't exist - this prevents 'Spirits' leaving the body and floating round without any source of energy.
  5. THE LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM 'This governs the movement of any rotating object and states that angular momentum, like all momentum cannot change without external influence. It explains why the Earth doesn't crash into the Sun and wh the Earth spins on its axis.' 

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